Processing snmp data...

Meehan, Francois Francois at
Thu Nov 28 13:34:42 EST 2002

Hi all,

I need to process snmp data. I have installed SNMPY, but did not find
documentation for it. Then tried PYSNMP but I am a beginner at python and
found it way too complicated...

I tried using the following:

cmd = '/usr/bin/snmpwalk ' + server + ' ' +  community + ' ' +
res = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)

That returns a list, and the items that I need are part of a big string:

enterprises.311. = 907
enterprises.311. = 4633
108 = 5540

I just need what is after the "=" sign. 

How can I extract these values?

Should I use SNMPY instead? If so, were can I find documentation about it?

Thanks in advance, your "humble" newbee,

Francois Meehan           

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