A really bad idea.

holger krekel pyth at devel.trillke.net
Fri Nov 15 09:26:45 EST 2002

M wrote:
> I use Python in several projects. One of the main benefits of doing
> so is that my programmers can quickly learn Python and get productive.
> Python is a great language to read. Very seldom does one of my programmers
> missunderstand code somebody else have written. This is one, if not the most,
> important aspect of a great language. Most of the time are spent in reading
> code while adding a new module (to see where it should fit) or fixing
> bugs. And by definition, for a non-trivial application, this is code that
> somebody else wrote.
> The ability to produce readable code is one of the best things with Python.
> Python more or less forces you to write nice code. This is a good thing. Not
> an issue when you are a single programmer on a project. But when you have a 
> bunch of programmers with different skills this is great.
> But I see a disturbing trend.
> Just a few examples...

OK, lots of people gave their oppinion on this, already.  
Your posting has a *huge* potential :-)

But in fact i'd like to see some examples of what is readable and 
what is not readable in your oppinion.

> The new enumerate or zip function. 

I am especially interested in seeing some code that enforces your
point about these two.  



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