*args and **kwargs

Wojtek Walczak gminick at hacker.pl
Wed Nov 27 14:37:16 EST 2002

Dnia Wed, 27 Nov 2002 14:27:43 -0500, John Roth napisał(a): 
> The fact that the function definition contains either * or ** has
> nothing to do with how you call it.
By saying this I thought about that, when you're using ** notation
you need to call your function like this:


In second of my examples, you can call a function by passing
a dictionary to it as is:

second({"a":"b", "b":"c", "c":"d"})

See that visual difference? I was talking just about that.

[ ] gminick (at) underground.org.pl  http://gminick.linuxsecurity.pl/ [ ]
[ "Po prostu lubie poranna samotnosc, bo wtedy kawa smakuje najlepiej." ]

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