quick question

John Hunter jdhunter at nitace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Sat Nov 16 13:03:34 EST 2002

>>>>> "Bwfc10" == Bwfc10  <bwfc10 at aol.com> writes:

    Bwfc10> Thank you for your help, it isn't homework but whats wrong
    Bwfc10> with me asking on here when i do get homework?  --

Depends on how you ask.  Homework is designed to teach, and it doesn't
do you much good to have other people do it for you.  So some people
don't want to do homework problems for students.

There is nothing wrong with getting *help* on homework if you post
what you've done and what you understand.  Someone will gladly advise
you on the next step.  The key is to post code that shows you have
thought about the problem.  It also gives us an idea of what you
understand and don't, so we can give a more informed response.

Sound reasonable?

John Hunter

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