how does import work ?

Michele Simionato mis6 at
Wed Nov 20 09:33:24 EST 2002

Suppose I have a module where two functions f1 and f2 are defined and
suppose that f2 calls f1 internally. This is an example:

# -- begin module --

def f1():
    print "Called f1()"

def f2():
    print "Called f2()"

# -- end module --

Suppose now I import ONLY the function f2, but not f1:

>>> from f1f2 import f2

Then, if I call f2,  I would expect an error since f2 requires f1 but 
I have NOT imported f1. Nevertheless it works:

>>> f2()
Called f2()
Called f1()

therefore Python has imported f1 too, but is some hidden way, since
f1 is not in the current namespace dictionary:

>>> vars()
{'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, 
'__name__': '__main__', 'f2': <function f2 at 0x815779c>, 
'__doc__': None}

This behavior is quite confusing to me, somebody can explain what is
happening ?

Michele Simionato - Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
210 Allen Hall Pittsburgh PA 15260 U.S.A.
Phone: 001-412-624-9041 Fax: 001-412-624-9163

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