ANN: RPy 0.3 (including Win version also)

Walter Moreira walterm at
Thu Nov 21 20:49:14 EST 2002


I have release RPy 0.3.  The main news is that this version includes
Windows support.  I appreciate your feedback with this platform, since
I haven't tested it much.  Enjoy.


RPy is a very simple, yet robust, Python interface to the R
Programming Language (  It can manage all
kinds of R objects and can execute arbitrary R functions (including
the graphic functions).  All the errors from the R language are
converted to Python exceptions.  Any module that later were installed
on the R system, can easily be used from within Python, without
introducing any changes.


Fixed bugs

o There was a bug in the conversion of factors (when it has duplicate

o The R computations were unbreakable, due to the interception of the
  SIGINT signal.  Now, it is working properly; CTRL-C aborts any
  Python or R evaluation with a KeyboardInterrupt exception.

o The input/output of the R interpreter was directed to the C
  stdin/stdout instead of the Python streams.

New features

o Added functions to manipulate the R event loop.

o Added functions to customize the input and output of the R
  interpreter (the default is, now, sys.stdin and sys.stdout).  Now,
  RPy works well with IDLE or other IDE's.

o The output from the R help command is also customizable.

o Added the R boolean objects TRUE and FALSE, as attributes of the
  Python 'r' object.


o Updated (and a bit expanded) the docs to reflect the changes.  Added
  sections with acknowledgements and known bugs.


o Included a 'setenv.c' for POSIX compliance.

o Support for Windows platform.

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