matching multiple regexs to a single line...

John Hunter jdhunter at
Tue Nov 19 21:17:02 EST 2002

>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Sendzimir <lists at> writes:

    Alexander> Why re and no sre?

As I understand it, sre is an update to the regex engine of 1.5.2.
The module is a compatibility wrapper which imports sre.  From
python 2.2.2's

engine = "sre"
# engine = "pre"

if engine == "sre":
    # New unicode-aware engine
    from sre import *
    from sre import __all__
    # Old 1.5.2 engine.  This one supports 8-bit strings only,
    # and will be removed in 2.0 final.
    from pre import *
    from pre import __all__

So there is nothing wrong with importing sre, but import re does the
same thing on any reasonably modern system and is (AFAIK) The Way
To Do It <wink>.

>From the Library Reference:

   *Implementation note:* The `re' module has two distinct
    implementations: `sre' is the default implementation and includes
    Unicode support, but may run into stack limitations for some
    patterns.  Though this will be fixed for a future release of
    Python, the older implementation (without Unicode support) is
    still available as the `pre' module.

John Hunter

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