[Boost.Python] Printed documentation available?

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Thu Nov 21 19:42:58 EST 2002

>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Hanks <thanks200 at hotmail.com> writes:

    Tom> I hope the subject says it all.  I'd like a printout of the
    Tom> Boost.Python documentation (found at
    Tom> http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/index.html) for my daily
    Tom> train trips.

    Tom> Unfortunately for me the available documentation is not
    Tom> printer-friendly. Instead it is browser-friendly, organised
    Tom> into an html tree 3-4 pages deep.

    Tom> I've googled for a couple of hours but can't find a more
    Tom> suitably formatted document.

    Tom> Can someone recommend a way to get a printable version?

If you have wget and htmldoc handly, it's not too difficult to make a
nice printed version (eg pdf).  It may take 15 or 20 minutes of work

First cd into a tmp dir and wget the docs:

 wget -rl3 -np http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/index.html

Then make a list of *.html files in the proper order, the best way to
do this is to mirror the order they are presented in index.html

cd www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/ and run a python script like:

import re
rgx = re.compile('.*<a href="(.*?)">.*')

for line in file('index.html'):
    m = rgx.match(line)
    if m: print m.group(1)

which prints the links.  Run the script in the tutorial dir but prefix
'tutorial' to the output.  

Take the assembled file names and put them in a python script which
calls htmldoc

from os import system
from string import join
import urllib


guideName = 'manual.pdf'
command = 'htmldoc --webpage -f %s %s' % (guideName , ' '.join(chapters))

if rc==0:
    print "wrote %s" % guideName
    print "failed to create %s" % guideName
This creates a nice, high quality pdf, with images included!

John Hunter

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