Foot in mouth disease

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at
Mon Nov 4 11:00:24 EST 2002

On Monday 04 November 2002 07:52, Simon Brunning wrote:
> Changing an object's type, ah, now that's a different matter. It's usually
> not just the declaration which needs to change, you have arguments to
> change all over the place, casts to add, it just seems to go on forever.
> Eclipse doesn't help here. (Does EMACS?) With Python, of course, you change
> your object instantiation, and re-run your unit tests. If the signatures of
> the old and new types match, you are good to go.

emacs only has intelligent search and replace capabilities unless programmed 
otherwise.  It could be done but to my knowledge it does not exist today.  
You can get pretty far with search and replace though.

I understand bicyclerepairman to be a good emacs package for Python 

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