indexed looping, functional replacement?

Brian O. Bush bushbo at
Sat Nov 9 13:37:15 EST 2002

I currently have a list of functions and a list of arguments to the
functions (n to n). Is there a way I can get around having to keep an
index into the arguments as I loop through the functions. Below is my
imperative approach:

def f1(str):
    print "f1:", str
def f2(str):
    print "f2:", str
def f3(str):
    print "f3:", str

str = ["bbb", "sdf", "sdw"]
fn = [f1, f2, f3]

i = 0
for f in fn:
    i = i + 1

I would like a simpler approach to avoid having to manually maintain
an index, maybe functional if possible.


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