if <assignment>:

maney at pobox.com maney at pobox.com
Wed Nov 27 13:17:40 EST 2002

Dave Brueck <dave at pythonapocrypha.com> wrote:
> IMO the desire for if-assignment in C is driven in part by a desire
> to fit more on the screen; Python code is more vertically compact so
> I don't miss that feature as much.

On the contrary, the only time the lack of (explicit) assignment in
expression has bothered me the issue was *horizontal* space.  It also
sounds as though you could be confusing a desire for concise expression
with a much sillier objective - at least it seems so entirely silly to
me that I can't really take it seriously.  Of course it's much easier
to defeat a silly, contrived argument.  :-/

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