Problem with list assignment

Jesse Lawrence lawrence_jesse at
Thu Nov 21 10:28:12 EST 2002

I'm using the following function to retrieve the
headers from my mysql columns.  I want to shed the
extra info, and just maintain the name of the column. 
This might be really simple, but I can't seem to
figure out why the assigment of the headers to the
list header[] in my for loop isn't working.

Here's the function:

def mysqlFieldNames(conn):
   cursor = conn.cursor()
   cursor.execute ("DESCRIBE guestbook")
   row = cursor.fetchall()
   # here's the problem area:
   header = []
   i = 0;
   for r in row:
      header[i] = r[0]
      i = i + 1
   return header

Now, when I just do a print r[0] in the for loop, I'm
getting exactly what I want, it's just that when I try
to assign it to header, that I get a "list assignment
index out of range" error.

Am I overlooking something?

Thanks very much, 
Jesse Lawrence

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