Proposal: min(None, x) and max(None, x) return x

Chad Netzer cnetzer at
Fri Nov 22 15:27:27 EST 2002

On Friday 22 November 2002 06:25, Eric Brunel wrote:

> I quite often find myself doing things like:
> xMax = None
> for -whatever-:
>   -big calculation leading to a value of x-
>   if xMax is None:
>     xMax = x
>   else:
>     xMax = max(x, xMax)

My kludgey workaround goes something like this:

_xMax = []
for -whatever-:
  -big calculation leading to a value of x-
  _xMax.append( x )
  _xMax = [max(xMax)]
  xMax = _xMax[0]

Saves a line (and doesn't need to worry about None).  And of course, there is 
always the possibly evil:

_xMax = []
for -whatever-:
  -big calculation leading to a value of x-
  _xMax.append( x )
  xMax = max(_xMax)  # 

Bay Area Python Interest Group -

Chad Netzer
cnetzer at

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