Installing dislin (scientific data plotting software)

Turhan Ozen txo at
Mon Nov 18 10:38:57 EST 2002

from S. Gonzi:

To your DISLIN problem. I had used DISLIN on Windows XP for a few month,
but switched eventually to Linux because Windows is more or less a pain.
Whenever I had encountered problems I have contacted the author of
DISLIN. He was very responsive.

I suggest you to contact Michels directly and post the solution again
back to comp.lang.python just in case others are faced by a similar

from Helmut Michels (Dislin's author):

I  have tested IDLE of Python 2.2 with multiple DISLIN windows. It seems
to be ok. The multiple windows were created with the DISLIN routine
opnwin. I will check the ActivePython IDE in the near future, but I
think it is not compatible with DISLIN. I will let you know my results.

DISLIN will be free for Python users in the future too. Changes in
DISLIN will be compatible with the current DISLIN versions.

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