Python documentation in DocBook

Martin v. Loewis martin at
Wed Nov 13 16:30:23 EST 2002

Gerhard Häring <gerhard.haering at> writes:

> But XML says *nothing* about semantics. So the *real* problems stay just as
> hard as they were before.

We digress, but to me, the main advantage of XML is that it eliminates
the need for parsers, and the compiler construction business. You can
use off-the-shelf parsers, instead of hand-crafting them using a
parser-generation toolkit. You are right that all back-end processing
(the synthesis phase in compilers) is still up to the application.

There are traditional two camps of XML users: the "documents" people,
and the "structured data" people. The former want to use XML for
markup; the latter to represent some data structures externally. I can
associate with the latter group - I think the former group is better
served with SGML, since that allows to save typing.


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