How to create and interactive, distributable program?

Uwe Schmitt uwe.schmitt at
Tue Nov 12 07:52:10 EST 2002

Kenneth Gomez <kennethg at> wrote:
> Hello all,

> To do all of this, my questions are , can Python handle the
> mathematics, e.g. does Python have a subroutine to inverse a matrix,
> or find the modulus of a number,....? Or, is it like C, where I have
> to write the subroutine myself?

Have a look at NumPy
It includes matrix/vector handling (like MatLab, sometimes even
better :-) and some linear algebra. But don't take the new
version "numarray", it's still under development.
But: these routines do not handle sparse matrices in an efficient
way, afaik you'll have to use full matrices.

Modulus is a function in the python core.

> Second, will I be able to create the GUI explained above within 3
> months?

Take wxPython.

> Third, can I make the GUI into an executable file so that I can run it
> off the laptop/workstation that will be used for the presentation?

Take py2exe

> Cheers,
> Kenneth Gomez.

Greetings, Uwe

Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Schmitt      Computer science is no more about Computers,
uwe.schmitt at      than astronomy is about telescopes. (Dijkstra)           

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