wxPython probleme

Jonas Geiregat kemu at sdf-eu.org
Sat Nov 23 09:17:30 EST 2002

I have 2 questions
1.the lines I've commented out don't work and I don't see the probleme
2.I want to create a function so I can save what I typed in in a file I 
know how to write to a file but I don't know what variable the 
wxTextCtrl uses in other words what var do I have to write to the file ?

here is the code:

import sys, os
from   wxPython.wx import *

ID_OPEN = 101
ID_SAVE = 102
ID_EXIT = 103

class main_window(wxFrame):
       def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
       	        wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, size = 
		self.SetStatusText("small editor")
		M_file = wxMenu()
		M_file.Append(ID_OPEN,"&Open","Open a file")
		M_file.Append(ID_SAVE,"&Save","Save a file")
		M_file.Append(ID_EXIT,"&Quit","Quit this small editor")
		menuBar = wxMenuBar()
		self.control = wxTextCtrl(self, -1, style=wxTE_MULTILINE)
# 		EVT_MENU(self, ID_EXIT,  self.TimeToQuit)
#	def TimeToQuit(self, event):
#	       self.Close(true)
class App(wxApp):
         def OnInit(self):
             frame = main_window(None, -1, "wxPython: (A Demonstration)")
             return true
app = App(0)

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