simple problem with running scripts

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed Nov 27 00:29:14 EST 2002

nandrats at wrote:
> I've the following problem with Win98:
> When I open a script with IDLE, it's possible to execute it.But when I open it
> in a different environment (like wscite) and try to start it, I always get the
> error message:
> " pythonw -u Application not found". I assume that I have to set some
> environment variables? I tried to include my python path to PATH in
> autoexec.bat, but no luck.

Can you show what you tried adding to PATH?  Or just type PATH and 
post the results here.  It should work fine that way.  There's
nothing special about the pythonw.exe: it's in the Python folder 
with the rest of the stuff.

Have you checked the FAQ?


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