Python embedding question: how to expose a new "builtin"?

Rodrigo B. de Oliveira rodrigobamboo at
Tue Nov 19 11:07:51 EST 2002

I've built an ISAPI module that allows .py files to be executed by IIS,
everything is working fine and the performance is great. Now I want to
expose an object in such a way that every imported module could see it, I
tried the following code but it didn't quite work:

<snip language="C++">

PyObject* __builtin__ = PyImport_ImportModule("__builtin__");
PyObject_SetAttrString(__builtin__, "application", (PyObject*)_pyapplication);


    * _pyapplication is an instance of a C new style class

The problem is: the modules can see the name "application" but
dir(application) returns [] and if I try to access any of  application's
attributes I get an AttributeError.


Thanks in advance,
Rodrigo B. de Oliveira

PS: the ISAPI module will go Open Source in a few days...

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