Using VIM

Lawrence Oluyede rhymes at
Fri May 17 12:48:30 EDT 2002

"Eric Torstenson" <torstenson at> wrote:

>I believe that the more recent installations have the syntax stuff set up
>(if that is what you mean) On my redhat 7.1 machine, the vim syntax
>directory is at /usr/share/vim/vim60z/syntax/ in which can be found numerous
>files named *.vim (one of which is python.vim) Also, there should be a
>script named filetype.vim that will set the filetype based on the last few
>letters (extension) of the file
>Also, make sure your rc file says "syntax on" some place.
>Is this what you were looking for?

yeah! thanks a lot.

Lawrence Oluyede
rhymes at

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