Matrixmultiply on multidimensional arrays

Chris Fonnesbeck spam at
Thu May 23 11:13:54 EDT 2002

I'm hoping someone can help me with this matrix multiplication
problem: I am trying to multiply a 2x2x3 matrix (A below) with a
2x2x3x3 matrix (B below), such that each of the inner rows in A are
multiplied by the 3x3 inner matrices in B, to result in a 2x2x3
matrix. In other words, a regular matrix operation is embedded within
a 2x2 matrix. Can I do this without flattening these out?

Matrix A:
[[[ 40725.          81450.          40725.        ]
  [ 28846.54696133  57693.09392265  28846.54696133]]
 [[ 32623.33392432  59176.7772203   32623.33392432]
  [ 32623.33392432  59176.7772203   32623.33392432]]]

Matrix B:
[[[[ 0.984  0.016  0.   ]
   [ 0.079  0.906  0.015]
   [ 0.     0.026  0.974]]
  [[ 0.974  0.026  0.   ]
   [ 0.05   0.932  0.018]
   [ 0.     0.014  0.986]]]
 [[[ 0.984  0.016  0.   ]
   [ 0.079  0.906  0.015]
   [ 0.     0.026  0.974]]
  [[ 0.974  0.026  0.   ]
   [ 0.05   0.932  0.018]
   [ 0.     0.014  0.986]]]]

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