Threading is actually fair

Aahz aahz at
Tue May 21 14:57:20 EDT 2002

In article <mailman.1021993724.8792.python-list at>,
Matt Kimball <matt at> wrote:
>For those interested, part of the problem was that my background
>computation thread was flooding my GUI with "update" events, telling my
>main GUI thread that it had new data and wanted to repaint its views
>of said data.  I throttled that back so that it doesn't send an update
>more frequently than every 100 ms and it helped a bit.

For a better way, see the thread tutorial on mt web site.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

"In the end, outside of spy agencies, people are far too trusting and
willing to help."  --Ira Winkler

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