Core Python programming

Keith Woeltje kfw at
Wed May 15 21:36:42 EDT 2002

To answer the question you asked, Core Python covers Python through 2.0. 
  I'm currently reading through it, and think it really is a good book. 
I like an honest-to-goodness dead-tree document for reading, and Chun 
does a nice job in teaching most of the features. You can always pick up 
the newer stuff later from the on-line documentation.

PS--the Beasley book is an excellent reference, but unless you are 
already a skilled programmer, I wouldn't try to learn from it.

Raphael Ribeiro wrote:
> I wanna buy this book , for i heard it is PERFECT for a beginner , but
> i saw it , and it was released in 2000, will i get obsolete if buy it
> today, and will i have problems with the new features included after
> 2000?

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