Looking for a scripting language

deckerben deckerben at freenet.de
Sun May 5 09:14:49 EDT 2002

> > this is just what I wanted. And it works (even using my DOS hack).
> You might check if this works too, then:
> >>> import os
> >>> cmdOutput = os.popen('dir *.bat')
> >>> text = cmdOutput.read()
> >>> cmdOutput.close()
> >>> print text

Yes it works also.

But I may have a different problem. I tried to install a couple python
packages to test hack-integrity. Every time I run any 'setup.py build' the
following happens:

D:\D\SCRIPTS\PROGRAM\Python\PyXML-0.7.1>python setup.py build
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "setup.py", line 280, in ?
    scripts = ['scripts/xmlproc_parse', 'scripts/xmlproc_val']
  File "D:\USER\DJGPP\lib\python2.0\distutils\core.py", line 110, in setup
  File "D:\USER\DJGPP\lib\python2.0\distutils\dist.py", line 310, in
    filenames = self.find_config_files()
  File "D:\USER\DJGPP\lib\python2.0\distutils\dist.py", line 272, in
  File "D:\USER\DJGPP\lib\python2.0\distutils\util.py", line 135, in
    os.environ['PLAT'] = get_platform()
  File "D:\USER\DJGPP\lib\python2.0\distutils\util.py", line 43, in

    (osname, host, release, version, machine) = os.uname()
TypeError: unpack non-sequence

I have tried three different packages and the result is always the same. I
guess the problem is one of the folowing:

1. My port is broken (hypocondriac)
2. I need to set a system variable of some kind
3. I need to make a small change in one/more of the library scripts
4. Combination of the above.

When I do a 'python -v setup.py build' I get five screenfuls of stuff, but
nothing that clues me in on the problem's solution.



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