"One Bullet is never enough" Paper

Tim Daneliuk tundra at tundraware.com
Tue May 21 01:50:02 EDT 2002

"David K. Trudgett" wrote:

> People should be able to express facts and opinions, even strong ones,
> without being labeled "childish" and "mindless". Not everyone has
> hours of free time to write long diatribes in support of their
> position (and good on those who do).

Sorry if I was too windy...

> For those who think the sun shines out of corporate behemoths like
> Microsoft, a simple statement of disagreement, perhaps with a few
> actual reasons for it, might suffice, I should think.

For me, the "sun rises and sets" on economic reality.  Every single good
thing I possess materially is possible because some corporation, typically
large, thought they could make money providing it to me.  My technical strength
and strong preference is for Unix, but Microsoft's existence and products has
been very good for me personally and my industry as a whole.  In my view, they
are national treasure, warts and all...

Tim Daneliuk
tundra at tundraware.com

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