Python XML parsing example

Peter Hansen peter at
Mon May 27 20:30:26 EDT 2002

Steven Varco wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm looking for an example in python to parse a XML file.
> For the first it would be enough to have a small working example, that
> parses an XML file with an XSL template an look for speciefig "Blocks", for
> each block, it should create a new XML File.

Hmm... I was working on an example for you but PyXML 0.7.1 (and 0.7.0
before it) seem to be broken and I can't import stylesheets at all!
(It's related to

I believe my setup at work (probably using 0.6.x) will handle it, so
I'll have to wait until tomorrow (and so will you, if no one else replies :).



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