Creating C modules for Python under Cygwin

Martin v. Löwis loewis at
Mon May 6 13:57:45 EDT 2002

Jason Tishler <jason at> writes:

> I intend to submit a patch to Python CVS with a clean version of the
> above.  However my motivation would be greater, if I actually knew
> of someone who is really interested in this functionality.  Is there
> anyone?

I wasn't actually suggesting that you work on this; I was merely
questioning that it does have to be the way that it currently is.

Now that we all agree that it *could* be done differently, the
question indeed is whether it should be done differently.

In the specific case of Cygwin, it may be worth a try to see whether
-Wl,--export-dynamic works - on other systems, that automatically
manages to export all symbols from the executable, and indeed Python
uses that feature, e.g. on Linux.


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