Location of Kevin Cazabon's PIL fonts.

Graham Dumpleton grahamd at dscpl.com.au
Fri May 17 23:56:35 EDT 2002

In the past at some time, Kevin Cazabon made available a whole bunch of
prepackaged fonts at various DPI for the Python Imaging Library (PIL).
These can be found referenced at:


The actual site containing the files is:


Unfortunately the site never seems to respond, or at least there is no
HTTP server listening anymore as the box is running.

Are these fonts located anywhere else? I can't find any further references
on Google.

Alternatively, can anyone point me to a site describing and providing
scripts for generating 300dpi PIL fonts from some other format. I guess
probably from TrueType fonts so that they will look reasonable, basing
them on 75dpi or 100dpi X windows fonts wouldn't probably be any good for
what I need them for.

Thanks in advance.

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