Has Red Hat helped or hurt?

Erik Max Francis max at alcyone.com
Fri May 10 03:21:07 EDT 2002

Christian Tanzer wrote:

> But you continue to rant about breakages without supplying any
> evidence of where it really mattered to you. In particular, IIRC you
> always talk about breaks where the code was made consistent with the
> documentation (e.g., list.append) or an obsolete module was removed
> (e.g., rand).

Another example of the former -- and the only "breakage" that affected
me in any way -- was that arguments which took socket addresses as
arguments allowed two arguments instead of a 2-tuple.  And I knew about
that when I upgraded, so fixed it within moments.

 Erik Max Francis / max at alcyone.com / http://www.alcyone.com/max/
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