article: MS in Peruvian open-source nightmare

Laura Creighton lac at
Thu May 9 04:29:10 EDT 2002

> In article <kahjdukqlc558r1sboau3hdie8m40ot47a at>, Gonçalo
> Rodrigues <op73418 at> writes
> >I can't resist to add that I completely agree with H. Krekel on this. It
> >is surely one of the most impressive defenses + myth-debunkings I have
> >ever read on the issue open-source vs proprietary software.
> >
> >Gonçalo Rodrigues
> On another issue, this letter reads extremely well in English, but has
> anyone read the original Spanish (I'm making an assumption the original
> was in that language) and if so how was it translated so well.
> -- 
> Robin Becker
> -- 
There is somebody at theregister who is actively pushing for OpenSource
in the English government.

I read this

there first, I have managed to lose the register version.  I would be
very interested in knowing who that person at the register is so that
we can help.


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