Why no open(f, "w").write()?

Isaac To kkto at csis.hku.hk
Fri May 31 07:12:04 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Donn" == Donn Cave <donn at drizzle.com> writes:

    Donn> You're describing a language other than C Python.  In C Python,
    Donn> you *may* close files and rely on other kinds of finalizations
    Donn> through the reference counting garbage collector, and the result
    Donn> is as timely as if you did it explicitly.  That's finalization as
    Donn> it ought to be, and it's a shame that other languages compromise
    Donn> on that.  Lots of people don't think it's important, but then the
    Donn> majority of programmers think it's OK that their programming
    Donn> language requires them to keep track of memory in the same way.

If you don't treat what said by the manual as the contract of the language,
then yes.  The manual explicitly says that future versions of the language
might not work that way.


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