Extending python with C

Jochen Küpper jochen at jochen-kuepper.de
Mon May 20 00:01:57 EDT 2002

On Sun, 19 May 2002 14:33:07 -0600 Fernando Pérez wrote:

Fernando> James T. Dennis wrote:

>> One question about weave; does it require a C compiler at run-time?
>> How does weave work?  Does it pass the C out to a compiler, (and
>> presumably to the set of Python headers and libraries)?  Does it save
>> the resulting .so file just like Python saves .pyc?

Fernando> Not just a C compiler, it needs a C++ compiler. I use it undre linux so it's 
Fernando> not an issue, g++ is always around. But weave's developer works under Windows 
Fernando> (mainly, though not exclusively) so I know it will also work under Windows. 
Fernando> But I just don't know what the details there are.

Although I've never used it on win, I seem to remember that Eric (its
main developer) uses it with the mingw g++.

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