Is there such a beast as a "perfect" shuffle? :)

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at
Fri May 10 15:49:41 EDT 2002

>> I seem to remember reading an article linked off of slashdot where they go
> into
>> the dynamics of shuffling cards and how to ensure a full spread of
>> possibilities.
>> There may or may not be a site talking about this in the context of
> python, but
>> anything they say should be relevant.
> Slashdot!?!? Relevant!?!?!
> That's expecting a bit much, surely...
> those-people-have-no-life-beyond-"first-post!"-ly y'rs  - steve

"they say should be relevant" was referring to the articl I read.  Tim may have
posted the URL I was thinking of.

Yes, the people who comment on slashdot are occasionally off base, not thinking
straight, young, etc.  But the actual articles mentioned and linked to are
usually worth reading.

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