xitami LRWP in Python

John Bradbury john_bradbury at talk21.com
Thu May 2 05:35:50 EDT 2002

I am a Python virgin & want to write a LRWP for xitami in Python (for
an in-house Intranet with about 20 users). For starters is this a
stupid idea? I need to display records one at time as a form and give
the users a "next" button so that they can scroll through the large
database table. What is unclear to me is how much Python does for you
in a multi-user world.  For example, do I have to keep each user's
current position in the table as some form of session variable? If I
do, how do I re-establish the last position in the table before doing
"Next". Do I have to get involved with creating a new thread for each
user?  Or, does Python handle every thing for you and I should not
worry about it?
I am reading Steve Holden's excellent book, but the database examples
do not seem to handle the situation where you need to retrieve records
one at a time.

Sorry if these are stupid questions.

John Bradbury

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