HTTP or alternative upload for large files

Steve Holden sholden at
Tue May 7 10:33:24 EDT 2002

<robin at> wrote ...
> This may not be specifically a Python problem, so apologies in
> advance.
You're right, the fact that it's a Python CGI makes no difference.

> I am attempting to upload large files (think 500 MB) through a web
> form using a Python CGI process.

> It is easy enough for my program to get the file handle of the
> user-submitted file, and then write this out in chunks to the server.
> But there are two major problems with this.
> 1. Apache first uploads the entire file itself, consuming all
> available memory, before handing over control to the CGI process. Why
> it does this is beyond me, since I am not hip to server internals.
> Apache could at least use a restricted amount of memory to do the
> upload, but this, unfortunately, is not the case. Bad things happen
> when memory gets low.
> 2. The HTTP connection times out, so the entire file upload is lost.
Are you sure it's the HTTP connection that times out, or is the server
timing the process out (because it's including the file transfer time as a
part of the CGI processing time)? The reason I ask is because you may be
able to modify the latter. However there's no guarantee that the client
won't have problems being sufficiently responsive with a 0.5GB upload.

I'm not that familiar with Apache internals, but I do know that the server
expects to have the data ready for the CGI process before it starts it up.
The file content is simply encoded as part of a form/multipart response from
the client.

> I imagine the answer to this problem is "don't use HTTP", but I do
> need a seemless solution from a web application.
That's very tricky indeed. And I'm sure you're aware it isn't what HTTP was
designed for...

> Any pointers? I am sure this is a know problem. Hopefully there's a
> known solution!
Can't think of one, but fortunately this doesn't mean that one doesn't


Steve Holden: ; Python Web Programming:

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