Theoretical question about Lambda

Alex Martelli aleax at
Thu May 2 05:03:44 EDT 2002

pekka niiranen wrote:

> After reading about Scheme, I begun to wonder:
> Is there any forced need for Lambda's in Python ? I mean does Lambda
> contribute anything that cannot be done otherwise in Python ?

Not really.  lambda lets you have an anonymous function, and create
a function within an expression (while def is a statement and does
require a name), so you may be able to collapse a few things a little
bit more, in theory, e.g.:

        funs = [lambda x: x+1, lambda x: x*2]


        def plus1(x): return x+1
        def times2(x): return x*2
        funs = [plus1, times2]

but that's about it.


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