Hello Newb here

James J. Besemer jb at cascade-sys.com
Thu May 9 14:03:25 EDT 2002

Cliff Wells wrote:

> Also, read the Python library documentation.  Then read it again.  If you can't
> find inspiration for a few programs in there ("Hey, I could use that for...")
> then you won't find it anywhere.

This is excellent advice for another reason.  You'll read things you don't fully
understand at first but later you'll be programming and you'll remember that you
saw something relevant in the doc.

For people who don't like being tied to a computer screen to read documentation, I
found the David Beazley book, _Python Essential Reference_ to be pretty handy for
"bedtime" reading.  It includes a good intro to the language and a survey of the
more popular libraries.  For the others, however, you'll still have to read about
it online for the most part.



James J. Besemer  503-280-0838 voice
http://cascade-sys.com  503-280-0375 fax
mailto:jb at cascade-sys.com

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