Dictionary checking

Bjørn Ove Grøtan bgrotan at stud.ntnu.no
Thu May 30 03:36:08 EDT 2002

Kragen Sitaker wrote:
> Bjørn Ove Grøtan  <bgrotan at stud.ntnu.no> writes:
> > I'm building a dictionary with values from a file.
> >
> > for each key, I have an ID, Name and Alias
> > some keys I have only ID and Name, some keys with
> > ID and Alias, some keys with all 3 and a few keys
> > with only a ID with no Name and no Alias.
> So your file looks something like this?
> JKJ30 id=foo name=bar alias=baz
> JKJ31 id=quux name=blort
> JKJ32 id=bloozie alias=znap
> > How can I check if Name and/or Alias contain anything.
> Well, that depends on your file format and your internal
> representation.

Every X minutes this file is generated.. from time to time I will
not know 100% of the contents.. my dict looks like this:
If my input is from file or STDIN makes no difference... the dict
should/will be build anyways..

oudict[depID] = parentID, depName, depAlias
I do a readline-routine to put data from input-file, and splits
on ";" 

for each depID, the dict stores parentID, depName and depAlias

after successfully building the dict, I have the following code:
for depID in oudict.keys():
	if filter(lambda x: x>'\x7f', oudict[depID][1]):
        	ouldif.write("dn:: ",)
                ouldif.write("dn: ",)
        currentID = depID
        while 1:
                        oustr = oudict[currentID][1]
			# if oudict[currentID][1] contains nothing.. 
			# I must use [2] instead of [1].. a simple compare.. 
			# this is basically what I want to do.. if [1] is "" and
			# [2] is "" I want to reject that depID and put that depID
			# into an output-file
                        if filter(lambda x: x>'\x7f', oustr):
                                ouldif.write(base64.encodestring("ou=" +
oustr + ",",))
                                ouldif.write(" ou=" + oustr)
                        if currentID == oudict[currentID][0]: break     
                        currentID = oudict[currentID][0]                
                ouldif.write("objectClass: top \n")
                ouldif.write("objectClass: organizationlunit \n")
                if filter(lambda x: x>'\x7f', oustr):
                        ouldif.write("ou: " +
                        ouldif.write("ou: " + oudict[currentID][1])
                ouldif.write("\n \n")

the second question is, I'm building another dict-> persondict()
persondict[recID] = depIDrel, pnummer, pansnum, pnavn, pstilling,

when I'm building output from persondict() I want to map the value of
depName or depAlias from oudict() with info from persondict(). depIDrel
in persondict() corresponds with the
appropriate value of depID in oudict()

Best regards


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