Python Gnome IMLib iconlist issue

Matthew Godding aops20 at
Mon May 27 18:40:35 EDT 2002


Running Mandrake 8.2

I'm a python noob trying to get the below to work:


from gtk import *
from gnome.ui import *
from GDK import *
from libglade import *

widget_tree1 = GladeXML ("/home/matt/dev/glaunch/", "glaunch")
widget_tree1.signal_connect("on_exit1_activate", mainquit)
iconlist = widget_tree1.get_widget("iconlist1")
iconlist.append("/home/matt/dev/glaunch/cstrike.ico", "Counter-Strike")

The program runs fine put doesn't display the icon.  I've tried replacing
the icon with xpm and png files to no avail.  I get the following error:

gdk_imlib error:cannot load image: /home/matt/dev/glaunch/cstrike.ico
all fallbacks failed

i'm 99% positive this isn't anything to do with the file not being found
as if i change the filename to something invalid i don't get the error.

Any help appreciated.



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