Low level python

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Fri May 3 07:02:38 EDT 2002

Ken Seehof wrote:
>>You guys are scaring me. I don't feel safe on the cutting edge!
>>It actually doesn't look that hard using WinDriver (they even have device
>>drivers written in VB!)
>>One prob I have to convince the rent payers: It uses 2-3Mb of RAM when
>>running! Who wants a 3Mb device driver?
>>I remember that deeply embedded python recompile python dropping langauge
>>features out. Is there an easy way to do this?

Yes but why.

>>Anyone know how I can reduce the memory footprint of Python?

Write all your device drivers and finally your system
with this one Python kernel. Then you are small,
compared to what we have nowadays.

>>Matthew Sherborne
> Yeah.  You could write the operating system in python!  That way all the
> python device drivers won't cost extra :-)
> But seriously, you should check out Gordon McMillan's work:
> http://starship.python.net/crew/gmcm/distribute.html

I think this is serious. Who really needs an operating
system, a file system and all of that?
Forgetting about other applications, I really believe
that one could write a pretty nice OS with Python,
object oriented from the ground.

This would be a real fun project,
provided there were fun-ding. :-)

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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