Continuation after 100 header in httplib

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at
Wed May 1 17:08:54 EDT 2002

"Bob Kline" <bkline at> wrote in message news:<ucudihfo3n5v38 at>...
> I'm looking through the docs for the httplib module, and I can't find any
> way to get the next set of headers and the message body when the server
> sends back a status code of 100 ("Continue").  It's not appropriate for the
> client to invoke Request() again, since it has already sent the request in
> the first POST.  Trying getresponse() again (the most intuitively logical
> next step) gets back a ResponseNotReady exception.  What am I missing?
> Looking at the code for the module it seems as if this condition was
> overlooked, but that seems too implausible.

No.  It really seems to be overlooked, and the module author hasn't
had time to fix it.  I'd be really happy to see someone in the
community fix this problem, as none of the developers seems to have
the right combination of expertise and time.

Also, while I'm asking for help, it would be great if someone could
develop a decent test suite for httplib and related modules.

Wish I had a better answer...


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