How to know if a popen*() was successful?

Donn Cave donn at
Tue May 21 13:00:32 EDT 2002

Quoth Fernando Prez <fperez528 at>:
| Thanks for the suggestion, but as I said furhter (and you acknowledged), I 
| need this to work under windows, as much as I dislike that piece of trash.

Wonder if it would be better to attack the problem separately at a
higher level, rather than trying to make these two platforms work
the same at this level.  Especially if Windows support eventually
means a Python pager substitute - surely there's a better way to
bring that up than popen.  The problem is difficult enough even on
UNIX, because as Kragen Sitaker already pointed out, the child process
state as seen by the parent depends on scheduling of the respective

If it means writing a temporary file, do that.

	Donn Cave, donn at

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