How to create a web interface for a daemon written in Python?

Markus listuser at
Wed May 15 15:58:41 EDT 2002

Markus wrote:

> Can anybody give me a hint about the best way to do this? (Or even better,
> a hint to a working implementation of something similar ...)

Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. I finally decided to create my 
own solution. One reason was that the watchdog has to work on Unix *and* 

I wrote a multithreaded app, one thread running a modified BaseHTTPServer 
used for the web interface, one to (re)start and wait for the controlled 
program and one to handle the user actions received from the web interface.

Works great! It even continued to work smoothly when I tortured the 
HTTPServer with random requests from 3 wget instances looping in parallel 
(over 10000 requests without any resource leaks or other problems). 


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