Why no libpython2.x.so in redhat?

Gerhard Häring gerhard at bigfoot.de
Sat May 25 18:07:55 EDT 2002

* Chris Fonnesbeck <spam at fisher.forestry.uga.edu> [2002-05-25 14:43 -0700]:
> I'm looking for someone out there who develops on RedHat who can help
> me out: Why are there no libpython .so files on the redhat builds?

Because Python will only be built as a shared library by default in
Python 2.3. In earlier versions, you have to hack the build process for
creating a shared library. Debian does that, for example.

> It is creating problems for me when trying to run python embedded in
> C.

No, you have other problems. It's certainly not the lack of a Python
shared library, as it is normal on Unix to statically link to the Python

> It seems that my program looks for the .so files, and not finding
> them, dies. I get segfaults all the time.

Running your app in a debugger and/or enabling the creation of core
files with 'ulimit -c unlimited' is a reason to find out what exactly is
causing the problem.

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