Perl's pack/unpack functions

John Hunter jdhunter at
Fri May 17 17:27:07 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Diephouse <fokke_wulf at> writes:

    Matthew> I'm looking at learning Python, and the first app I want
    Matthew> to write needs to be able to take a binary file and
    Matthew> pack/unpack the data into hex form, and then into binary
    Matthew> form. In Perl, you can do this using pack/unpack, but I
    Matthew> don't see these functions in Python. So how would you do
    Matthew> this in Python?

See the 'pack' function of module struct

Here is an example that writes 2.5 GB of long integers in binary (I
wanted to test my python large file support build)

import struct
fd = open('test.out', 'w')

GB = 250000000L   # each long is 4 bytes so 250000000 is 1 GB
for i in xrange( long(2.5*GB) ):
    fd.write( struct.pack('L', i) )

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