python-friendly web hosts: buyer beware

Rob Andrews rob
Thu May 23 19:24:30 EDT 2002

>> ( proudly
>> advertises Python as an "Advanced Feature" of their $299.00/month
>> Enterprise Hosting package.)
> For that amount of money, you would be much better going to iServer
> (now part of viaVerio). From about a third of that price you get your

Useless Python uses a pretty inexpensive hosting package. I just felt it 
was a little extreme for them to advertise such a dated Python installation 
in their $300/month package when they turn out to be more than a little 
ambivalent about keeping the software up-to-date.

Who knows? They might yet do the customer-friendly thing and look into the 
matter at Valueweb, since I sent them what I hope was a fairly thoughtful 
email about the situation. (No inflammatory rhetoric, insults, etc.)

But I am glad to see people responding to my post with information about 
positive hosting experiences. Before Useless moved to the new server and 
began the overhaul process the beginnings of a list of python-friendly 
organizations was already in place. That's temporarily down while I prepare 
a more fitting section devoted to the matter. (Just a personal quest of 
mine as a python evangelist of sorts.) The more good information there is 
to build up that part of the site with, the better.


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