Creating C modules for Python under Cygwin

Richard P. Muller rpm at
Sat May 4 13:39:16 EDT 2002

I'm having trouble creating Python modules from C under Cygwin. The
process works fine under Linux, but I get a long list of undefined
references (to PyArg_ParseTuple, PyArg_BuildValue, etc.) when I try to
link under Cygwin.

I found a reference in an archive of a Cygwin mailing list that claims I
have to satisfy all of the undefined references under Cygwin. But it
seems silly to link in the entire Python library in a tiny little

This must work on some level, since people have managed to compile, for
example, NumPy under Cygwin.

Am I missing something here or railing against the impossible? Can
someone give me pointers?

Thanks in advance...

Richard P. Muller, Ph.D. 
rpm at

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