currying at language level (was: Re: add_command)

holger krekel pyth at
Mon May 13 04:49:55 EDT 2002

Alex Martelli wrote:
> You can also curry in Python 1.5.2 should you need to -- it's just
> a _little_ bit clunkier perhaps:
> def curry(func, *args, **kwds):
>     def curried(f=func, a=args, k=kwds):
>         return apply(f, a, k)
>     return curried

Alex, what do you think about integrating the
currying-concept into python's syntax like so:

def normalfunc(arg1,arg2,arg3): pass

curryfunc = normalfunc(arg1, *, arg3)

and curryfunc would be a one-argument function [1]. 
I'm sure you can explain to me in concise
words why this is the wrong thing (tm) :-)
IMHO currying is a well-understood concept
which would serve well at the language level.



[1] the '*' should and can be recognized by the parser
    to avoid *any* performance decreases for
    normal function calls. One may allow
    or enforce '***' to make it more visible.

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