Bug? if PyGreSQL, inserttable is used followed by a for loop

Anton Setzer a.g.setzer at swansea.ac.uk
Fri May 10 16:38:06 EDT 2002

Hi all,

I had the following strange behaviour of python,
which seems to be a bug, either in pygresql or in python itself.

It happens when accessing postgresql
through the module pg (PyGreSQL-3.2):
After using inserttable, for-loops do no longer work.

Here is an example session:

I created a database marksadmin1 with no tables 
(adding a table kullm (e.g. CREATE TABLE kullm (stud text);) doesn't
make any difference).

Then when executing the following python program:

import pg
conn = pg.DB('marksadmin1')
for j in []:
    print j
for j in []:
    print j

I get the following strange errormessage at the line with the 
second "for j in []"-loop (the first for-loop is okay): 

IndexError: list index out of range

I am using python 2.2.1, PyGreSQL-3.2, postgresql version 7.2.1.

The error seems to occur after any execution of inserttable 
(whether with an empty list or not) followed by arbitrary many
commands followed by any "for j in mylist:"-loop.

I have asked D'Arcy J.M. Cain, the current maintainer of  
PyGreSQL-3.2, who wasn't able to repeat that bug. However
my installation seems to be the latest non-beta release and
I haven't encountered any other bugs yet. 

Does anybody encounter the same problem? Or does anybody
know what's wrong or what to do about it.

Thanks for your time

Anton Setzer

Anton Setzer                            Telephone:
Department of Computer Science          (national)        (01792) 513368 
University of Wales Swansea             (international) +44 1792  513368
Singleton Park                          Fax:
Swansea SA2 8PP                         (national)        (01792) 295651
UK                                      (international) +44 1792  295651
Visiting address:                       Email: a.g.setzer at swan.ac.uk
Faraday Building,                       WWW:
Computer Science Dept.                 http://www-compsci.swan.ac.uk/~csetzer/ 
2nd floor, room 211.                                                          

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