Importing dynamically loaded modules (in packages)?

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Thu May 2 12:09:37 EDT 2002

holger krekel wrote:

> [Steve Holden]


>> A package is a directory containing an file. 
> And that's where it starts to fall out of pythons object world. 
> There is no 'directory'-object. 

No, but there's a PKG_DIRECTORY type-code (see the imp module). 

>> When the package is
>> imported (which mjust happen before any submodules or subpackages can
>> be imported) the file is executed. 
> The next filesystem-dependence not related to python's object
> structure. 

The __init__ name is special.

No, none of this is done in an object model exposed to Python (the
language). If you want that, see

Note that "a.b.c" means something different in an import statement
than it does anywhere else. Anywhere else, it's strictly attribute
access. Python's implementation of import provides a mapping to
the filesystem, but since it's hookable, you can map it to any
structure (you only need a subset of the normal tree-navigation

Granted, you'll have to look at the implementation to figure out
how the mapping-to-filesystem actually works. provides a 
(complete as far as I know) implementation in pure Python.

-- Gordon


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